Discussion (Hybrid)

Dystopias of Albanianness. Science-Fiction from Kosovo in the 2020s

Artrit Bytyçi, storylab, Prishtina, in discussion with Dr. Belfjore Qose and Prof. Dr. Christian Voss

    2047. Albania has turned into a dictatorship and sends a killing robot to Prishtinopolis to eliminate liberal journalists and hackers. Like in “The Arbiter. A serialized ethno-cyber-punk novel” (2021), Artrit Bytyçi in his new comic book “Arnautistan Noir” conceives Albanian identities through alternative realities: How would today’s Prizren look like if it still were under Ottoman rule, and what language would people speak?

    Artrit Bytyçi, storylab, Prishtina, in discussion with Dr. Belfjore Qose, University Tirana, and Christian Voss, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Am 13.12.2022, 18:00 Uhr

    Ort: Institut für Slawistik und Hungarologie der HU Berlin, Dorotheenstr. 65, 5th floor, r. 5.57/ Online

    ZS BerlinKosovoLiteraturwissenschaftKunst / Kultur

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